Movies! Movies! Movies!

Who doesn't love a good movie!? There are a lot of movies coming out that I can't wait to see.

I'm usually an action/thriller/horror kind of gal. However, since I turned 50 a few years back, I'm not so much the horror fanatic I was. Except on Halloween maybe.

Anyway, here are some of the movies I can't wait to see.

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood - November 22
We haven't seen this yet but I have to think Tom Hanks is the perfect person to play Fred Rogers!

Jumanji: The Next Level - December 13
Did you see Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle? Don't watch this one until you do. But OH MY GOSH, if it's anything like the first one, it will be hilarious! I love Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Kevin Hart in anything they do together.

Cats - December 20
Haven't seen the play so this is a must see for me.

Dolittle - January 17, 2020
Robert Downey, Jr... He's such a great actor, in my honest opinion, that we would watch just about anything he's in. Do you remember the movie Less Than Zero?

Those will get me through January.

What movies have you watched lately?

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