Kidney Interrupted – Saying No To The Pushers

Well meaning as they may be, I am learning to say NO to the pushers in my life!

One of my many pushers…

Always surround yourself with people that bring you joy, laughs, and love. This is one of our greatest support systems in life. It certainly takes on a new meaning when there is an ailment involved. Ironically, this same support system might be one of your toughest obstacles to overcome!

The Pushers want only the best for you. They want you to have fun, eat good food and just live life to the fullest! It’s our job, on the other hand, to know our limits. Which over time, and with many, many mistakes, we do learn. They may never stop but it’s our own responsibility to learn politely to Just Say ‘No’! And, if you live in the South add a ‘Thank You’ to the end of that (lol), and be willing to say it over and over, possibly to the same person in the same conversation. Those Pushers, gotta love em!

Country Fried Steak by Southern Living

Speaking of the South, food is a prime example to show we care. If you’ve ever opened a refrigerator in a Southern Grandma’s home, you’ll find a couple of full cooked meals (left-overs at that) just waiting for someone to eat. And…..not necessarily your own grandma’s home, because your always welcome to anything anyone has to offer, anywhere in the South! It’s almost an insult to refuse.

Staying up past your bedtime is another example! It’s great to have fun and fun and more fun but paying for it the next day or two or even three is unbearable. I mean, come on y’all, sometimes I go to bed earlier than the chickens! I took a nap at 2:30 last week that lasted until 7a.m. the next day. Admittedly, it was after a couple long days out of town and off my routine but WOW! No worries, I woke up at med time:) and back to bed I went.

Let us here at KI know how you’ve come to learn your limits and dealt with your kind-hearted pushers?

Know your limits. Stick with them. Your well-meaning pushers will understand. Remember, they only want the best for you!

Always Love Your Pusher but Just Say No!



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