Feature: Oil of Joy Handmade Soap

Today’s interview is with Lynn Stanfield, Owner and Designer of
Oil of Joy Handmade Soaps, based in Savannah, Tennessee!

Tell us about you and Oil of Joy Handmade Soap.
I’ve been married for 33 years (last Thursday). We have 2 boys, Shelby and Levi, and Levi is married to my girl, Katlin. My husband and I have had our own window tinting business since 1985 in Savannah, TN, where I have lived all my life. Soaping has become therapy for me and has become a passion of mine. I feel accomplished that my product is helping someone else.

How long have you been soaping? How did you get started?
I’ve been soaping for about 3 years. I got started by taking a class from a lady that I was buying soap from. I watched a lot of YouTube and I joined Facebook groups. That was very helpful.

What sort of advice would you give to those soapers
just starting their businesses?
I would tell new soapers to never give up or get discouraged. Making artisan soap is an art. What you may think is a batch gone wrong, others may see as beautiful. Study and practice! Read books, watch videos, go to a class, or join an online class.
What inspires you to create?
Looking at other people’s work inspires me to be more creative.
Nature and pretty pictures inspire me to create.
What is your favorite product to make?
I would say at the moment, Hot Process Soap is my favorite. It’s more of a challenge to
make pretty soap than Cold Process.
How did you come up with the name for your business?
Coming up with a name was difficult. I wanted to incorporate something from the Bible. In Hebrews, Isaiah, and Psalms, the Bible talks about the oil of gladness. You make soap with oils and I have always been a pretty joyful person so, that’s how Oil Of Joy happened.
Your soap is so vibrant and colorful! Where do you find
inspiration for your color palettes?
Haha! I guess you can call me a copycat. Not really, but there are
so many soapers that do awesome work. That inspires me to create.
There’s a variety of soaping techniques – everything from drop swirls to embeds to column pours. What’s your favorite soap technique?
I would say the hanger swirl is my favorite. I’ve done drop swirls and I like them but I haven’t done a column pour or embeds yet. I’m not really that interested in embeds.

What is your favorite product that you make and why?
Goat Milk soap is my favorite. Milk, of any kind, is so good for your skin. When I’m out of goat milk, I use almond or coconut milk.
What is your number one soaping tip?
Pay attention when you are mixing and measuring. It’s chemistry and one little mistake can mess up a whole bunch of good oils.
What do you love most about creating bath and body products?
I love good products that nourish your skin. More than that, I love that it’s helping others with skin problems.

If you could give one product to a stranger, what would you choose and why?
I would give them soap or maybe a lotion bar because I know the benefits of using it.
Where do you sell your products?
I sell my products from home and social media. I also have a close friend that owns a restaurant and she carries my products. Sometimes a gift shop in town will buy a bundle for their store and I also sell at the local monthly craft market.

What is your favorite fragrance or essential oil? What are your most popular scents?
I don’t really have a favorite fragrance. I like them all. My most popular scent is Butt Naked. 😂 It has a little bit of a fruity smell. Men love it!  Energy and Love Spell go pretty fast. People take it by spurts.
Tell us something unusual or unique about yourself.
I won’t eat chili without drinking milk and I’ve got to have OJ with my popcorn. I feel like I’m pretty driven but I can also be pretty lazy. I’m a hard worker and I dont like quitting until the job is done. Even if it takes a long, long time.

What are some of your other hobbies and interests?

I guess soaping is my hobby. I love summer and I love the beach. I’m not really a boring person, I just don’t have very many hobbies. I can pretty much get into anything as long as its clean fun.

To find out more about Lynn and Oil of Joy Soaps,
you can find her HERE on Instagram.

1 Comment

  1. October 28, 2019 / 9:56 am

    They are beautiful, the colors are so vibrant!

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