Simply Simplify.


  1. make (something) simpler or easier to do or understand


Every year (usually in January but better late than never, right?), I try to pick a word that will jump start me into a new year and help me live the life I want to live over the next 12 months.

Simplify was the word I chose this year.

Now that my house is losing some of it’s inhabitants, I feel the need to start simplifying. Redoing rooms, cleaning out closets, cabinets, EMAILS! Just getting rid of things I no longer need or want. Basically, declutter.


[ctt template=”8″ link=”Wf19b” via=”no” ]The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. -Hans Hofmann[/ctt]


As I said in a previous post, life isn’t going to be that complicated anymore. Kids are graduating, moving out, getting married. However, even though I’ll still be keeping up with SOME responsibilities… making sure the laundry is done and the house is clean, making sure I’m still loving on my family and friends… life can still feel overwhelming at times. I mean, I AM letting go of children.

In my research to learn just HOW to simplify, I found THIS ARTICLE. It’s from 2007 and I’ll definitely be making some changes to make it my own, but it’s a great ‘manifesto’, as they call it.


The first thing I’m going to do is identify what’s important to me by writing everything down on paper…things I want to keep, things I want to do, etc. I have so many lists on my computer that I don’t look at them anymore.

Then I’m going to divide that list into goals for future months.


Do you have any suggestions for simplifying? I’ll take all the help I can get! 😀



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