Kidney Interrupted – Venting

Did I mention Kidney Interrupted is a great place to vent about past or current situations? Don’t hold on to that old, nasty baggage. Get that out of your system as quickly as possible!

It’s a scientific fact that your brain sends out how your mind/body will feel emotionally/physically by what kinds of thoughts are going through it. I’m such a believer in this process. I don’t know the technical terms, but the way it was explained to me, I completely understood. I’ve actually experienced it myself! Check out this link: The Benefits of Positive Thinking and Happiness

As you know, my recent epiphany of finding my purpose in life has allowed me to see this fact daily. It just naturally happened that my head was filled with lighter, more positive, driven thoughts. In turn, I finally knew what ‘living in the moment‘ truly meant. Joyful, thankful, and full of appreciation for this life I’ve been blessed with!

At this point, I feel less like venting but still understand the need for it to happen. And, I’m sure I’ll be back on this post to do just that-VENT. In the meantime, please free to speak your mind about anything! Don’t let frustrations take your energy down when there is someone willing to listen.

I’ll be right here waiting for you…….💚


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