Kidney Interrupted – The Reason

ESRD. End Stage Renal Disease.

Sounds ominous, even final.

How about ESD? End Stage Death. Now, that really sounds final. This is a given in all our lives people. Whether it be accidental, natural causes, or the unwitting, non-watcher of horror flicks jaunting off into the dark forest with an ax murderer clearly on the loose!

We’re all going out at some point but while we are here on this magnificent Earth, I’m now determined to make the most of it. Every day. I say “now” because I was recently inspired by a new friend who’d been through a horrible, drawn out health situation. Ironically not kidney inspired, but horrific nonetheless.

First, keep in mind I’ve lived with Polycystic Kidney Disease ALL of my adult life. So for this friend to be the one to open my eyes to the very stark reality of MY personal mortality is almost absurd. Although, the thickness of my head has come into conversations around the dinner table randomly throughout the years! Ok, on with it…

This new friend, whose young wife was pregnant at the time, had been in the hospital for a good couple months. He finally made it home just weeks before the baby was due. In all the emotion of being a weak- bodied, stressed, sick man, a baby on the way and worried about his wife, his own life and the  emmense challenge of  what he was facing, he must’ve had huge insight into his seemingly fragile world. The words he uttered to his wife were powerful and chilling to the bone. They changed my life and will change yours too.

Although it took a few weeks for his statement to fully hit me, his words stayed in the back of my mind. I imagine this was God’s way of giving me time to fully process how this was going to impact my very existence. And, it has, in a BIG way!

The simple words of my weak, scared and worried friend were “This is the only body I get in this life and it’s failing me.”

This is the only body I get in this life and it's failing me. Click To Tweet

Now, read those words over and over until they haunt you like they still haunt me. When this statement fully sinks into your being, you’ll know what compelled me to start this blog for all of us to gain in the benefit of hope.

God, continue to bless my friend, his beautiful wife, and precious baby boy with your grace.




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