Kidney Interrupted – Mutant? Maybe…..

Time marched on…more infections, more antibiotics, more life. I read everything I could get my hands on about this PKD. Computers weren’t as available so it was a lot of footwork with even more dead ends. I was persistent and determined to get as much information as possible. Knowledge to me was power!

Somewhere along the way I learned to always eat plain yogurt while taking antibiotics as that warded off other conditions concerning yeast and a whole other kind of infection I just wasn’t willing to deal with.

I learned not to jump on trampolines after a particularly bad kidney infection that hospitalized me. Apparently, sacs of fluid filled cysts develop on the kidneys and are prone to bursting with hard hitting activities. And, later on, just because they fill so much, will rupture on their own and wreak a special kind of havoc.

I also learned this disease is passed genetically through families. Or, you can be a mutant because of a DNA mishap. An interruption, perhaps? Which, throughout the years, without being able to trace it through my ancestors, leads me to believe (as if there wasn’t enough fresh, blue hell to navigate daily) I’m a straight up mutant.

Laugh if you will, I know I did! For a minute. And, then I didn’t.

Another layer revealed. 💚



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