Intention – My word for 2023



1. a thing intended; an aim or plan.
“she was full of good intentions”

As a new year begins, a lot of people want to break habits that have formed over the past year or years. They want to make a new start. I used to make resolutions every year… exercise more, eat healthy, live each day like it’s my last, call my parents more, call my kids more (or less). I always go into these with the best intentions!
For some, picking a word or making a resolution for the new year can bring focus to their life. A word or resolution can keep you motivated as you try to work on your goals for the year. For me, the first few weeks are always met with the fervor I believe I’m going to have that entire year, only to be disappointed when I remember that I’ve forgotten it weeks later.
I was sitting at the table this morning with a photo my mom gave me. The picture is of a group of people standing outside their church around 1945. In the very center stands my very tall and handsome grandfather and in front of him, my beautiful grandmother. Over to the left of the picture, my great-grandfather holds my sweet mama and my great-grandmother is standing next to her. As I was looking at the picture, it struck me that my boys would have no clue who any of these people are if they were just handed the photo and told to pick out their grandmother, great-grandparents or great-great grandparents.
Now that I’m older, I want to make sure that my children know who their family was before their grandparents. It’s important for me to tell them about the people and places from where they came. This is where my word for the year came from… INTENTION. I want to do everything with intention, especially when it comes to my family. I will be sitting with Jesus sooner or later, and I don’t want to leave without them knowing some things that are important to me that I want them to remember.

My kids groan and fuss and roll their eyes every single time I yell ‘LETS TAKE A PICTURE!’ I know that one day they will realize the importance of having photos. It took me having kids of my own to learn that. If you have to, sit down and explain to them why it’s important to you to take pictures. One day they’ll be glad you did.


I went from 1 grand baby to 4 in a year! There are things I want to say to them. So I want to write them notes, in my own handwriting, that they can read in the future. I absolutely LOVE seeing my grandmothers handwriting. It brings back so many memories.

So, these are two of the things I’m going to do with INTENTION this year. I will also add to that painting and writing again. Now that the boys are grown and starting their own families, I can be intentional with my own time, doing things for me.
I found this blog a few weeks ago. See what Nicole says about her finding her WORD last year.
Let me know what your word of the year will be!

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